Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pathfinder Lock-in--Day 2--Sabbath Afternoon

Sabbath afternoon, we went for a walk through the fields and woods near the academy.
We stopped to look at and collect rocks, fossils, locust seed pods...
and animal tracks.

Heron? Deer

Possum? Raccoon?
This large tree had fallen across the path and made a great place to climb on and sit.
Looking for interesting rocks and fossils
We came across this old ampitheater that the academy had not used in many years. Most of the benches had fallen apart and the stage had disintegrated to a pile of rotten wood.
When we got back from our walk, the Bible Achievement Team practiced for a while.
We had pizza, chips, carrot sticks, and ice cream for supper--then did some marching a drilling to work it off.

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Spelling Bee
difficulty level:
score: -
please wait...
spell the word: