Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pathfinder Lock-in--Day 2--Sabbath Morning

Sabbath morning, we got the Pathfinders up about 7:00--had some devotional time, then breakfast. After breakfast, they changed into their class A uniforms and reviewed their parts.
Then we assembled for a group picture before going to the church.
At the church, the Pathfinders served as greeters--giving out church bulletins and welcoming folks to church.
The Pathfinders did the church service--starting with the songs of praise, then marching in with the flags and banners (sorry, no pictures of that as I had to march as well), scripture, children's story...
(during children's story, the little children collect an offering)

...then each Pathfinder had a speaking part about some aspect of heaven.
T had a slide show during his part about the gems that form the foundation of the heavenly city.
Here, the Pathfinders are describing what they think their heavenly homes might be like.
The pastor sang "The Holy City" and had some closing remarks. The Pathfinders marched out, then came back and ushered the congregation out. We had a church potluck for lunch.

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Spelling Bee
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score: -
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