Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In Search of an American Pipet

Monday was homeschool meeting day. I had agreed to turn in some pictures to the yearbook leader for our Pathfinder director who couldn't be there. T was very tired from being out late for the Super Bowl Party the night before and didn't want to stay for the meeting. L came with us. So, we decided to go to a park in Springfield where Snow Geese, Ross's Geese and American Pipets had been reported.

We saw the Snow Geese right away (above--white with black tail feathers). Looked for the Ross's Geese, but decided that there weren't any. There were Ring-billed Gulls, Canadian Geese, and the usual assortment of park ducks.

Park ducks
We scanned (from the warmth of the car--didn't get out on the walking trail) this cornfield for the American Pipets, but even after several passes only saw a couple Crows and Bluebirds.
We drove back into the park hoping to see some in the mown fields--no luck. We did see a Brown Thrasher and some Cedar Waxwings, though.
Passed by this small pond which was empty. The search for the Pipets had ended and we headed for home.

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