Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. M!

Yesterday was Mr. M's 89th birthday. We spent the morning at the doctor's office (I tried to get the appointment for another day, but they didn't have anything available). Then we went to Cracker Barrel for lunch--Mr. M had chicken and dumplings, green beans, fried okra, and apple pie with ice cream. I had a grilled cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato, steak fries, and apple pie.

After I took him home (with a stop at the pharmacy), I got gas in the truck and went to Scottsville to pick up Pepper's medicine. Then, to the grocery store to get ingredients for banana pudding. I stopped at L's (a mutual friend who does cooking and light housekeeping for Mr. M) to drop off the ingredients so she could make the pudding. I stayed for supper, then stopped by Mr. M's to drop off Pepper's medicine and have a piece of birthday cake with him. I was home by 7:00.

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